The Brewery

Thirsty Planet Brewing Company
ADDRESS: 11160 Circle Drive,
Austin, Texas 78736
DIRECTIONS: Thirsty Planet Brewing Company is very easy to find. Just take 290 W, 5 miles past the Oakhill Y, turn onto the second Circle Drive entrance, and we are the big building with a grain silo out front with Thirsty Planet written on it.

We at Thirsty Planet Brewing believe our purpose is multi-faceted. It begins with just good, old-fashioned passion. Beer is our passion. We enjoy the history of beer, its humble, but amazing beginnings, the way it brings people together, and it’s unbelievable versatility. We truly believe you should follow your passion and enjoy life. How better to do that than open Thirsty Planet Brewing Company.
Our purpose then morphs into doing the right thing. For us, this includes being environmentally conscious. We have laced filters in our drains for run-off water, so we can use that water to irrigate our lawns and plants. We also plan to purchase solar panels for our brewery. We recycle, and you will quickly learn that after visiting our beautiful tasting room. Check out our bar, you will see what we mean.
